Burial customs

Room 4

Finds exhibited in Room 4 inform the visitor about the Samaians’ and Panormites’ burial practices, while also transmitting what the living felt for their beloved ones, who passed away, and their concern to bid them farewell in a suitable way.

It has been observed that objects accompanying the deceased represent the deceased themselves, as well as their beloved ones, who chose these offerings to bid them farewell.

The reconstruction of a part of a Roman mausoleum found in the city of Panormos intends to throw light on the monument’s architecture and the significance of the burial monuments for the city. Finally, the display of original sarcophagi coming from another mausoleum in the city’s cemetery has transported part of it inside the exhibition.

Grave Stelae

Exhibition’s tombstones are indicative of those who used to mark the tombs of Hellenistic and Roman Same. In general, the tombstones of Same and Fiskardo record various information about the deceased such as: name, age, origin and sometimes status.

Grave stele of midwife or “iatrini” Isidora with incised medical instruments.
Grave stele of midwife or “iatrini” Isidora with incised medical instruments.

Burial Offerings

Among the burial offerings from Same and Fiskardo are common items that accompanied the deceased on their journey to the other world, such as the so-called charonia coins, danaks, clay and glass vessels, jewelry, etc.

Some were objects used by their owners while they were alive and they or their loved ones chose to accompany them to death and some were made from scratch for burial.